Cambridge Boulevard Vision Study
Services: Public Engagement and Public Realm Design Development
Location: Marble Cliff, Ohio
Size: +/- 2,600 LF Roadway
Client: The Village of Marble Cliff
Completion Date: 2026 (Anticipated)
WSA , Architect
REALM, Urban Planner and Landscape Architect
Burgess & Niple, Engineer
The Community of Marble Cliff is tight-knit and involved. When talks of reimagining Cambridge Boulevard began, community leaders asked REALM to do design development, as well as hold a public engagement session. REALM was asked to find out the needs and wants of the community in terms of
1. Social Uses and Programs
2. Spaces and Places
3. Urban tree species evaluation
4. Design Concepts
5. Precedent research and evaluation
This public engagement session pushed forward to a design concept which was simple but will increase the ability for the community to come together both formally and informally in a new kind of public space.